mp3: Lovvers > Wasted Youth

I guess sort of the UK equivalent of Wavves, get ready for the neolofipunkiness of Lovvers!!


Wasted Youth (mp3)
Props: Oh My Rockness

It makes me wonder with all this lofi goodness (which started maybe last year)… is there going to be a backlash? Is it already happening? Are trends and their backlashes going to start merging? Or is this just a variant of 90’s nostaglia? Should people just go out and buy some Guided By Voices records?

At least I know the answer to the last question. Yes.

Streamable: “My Valuable Hunting Knife (Tigerbomb EP version)” (youtube) by Guided By Voices

Lovver’s SXSW 2009 schedule is here.
Lovver’s blogspot is here.
Witchita Recordings is here. page is here.


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