Friday Night Vids: Coathangers + Titus Andronicus ADD + Yea Big Kid Static Cardboard Robots + Naked Matt & Kim + Telepathe + More
Streamable: Stop Stomp Stompin’ ( by Coathangers
Downloadable: Stop Stomp Stompin’ (mp3)
Props to MBV and I guess, the FADER
Behind The Scenes is here.
Streamable: No Future Part II: The Day After No Future (Live on ADD) ( by Titus Andronicus
Downloadable: No Future Part II: The Day After No Future (mp3)
Streamable: Bots (youtube) by Yea Big + Kid Static
Props to Muzak For Cybernetics
Streamable: So Fine (youtube) by Telepathe
Streamable: Lessons Learned (youtube) by Matt & Kim
Streamable: Minivan Highway (Live on Tim And Eric Awesome Show, Great Job) (youtube) by Kraftwerk
Streamable: How a vinyl LP is made? (youtube)
Props to Who Killed The Mixtape?