mp3: Ty Segall > It #1
SFgaragepyschfuzzpopper Ty Segall’s self titled debut was totally off my radar last year. For example, I totally missed this post over at Raven Sings The Blues. How did this happen? I simply don’t know. Maybe it’s the name? It just didn’t catch my eye as I was scanning my RSS feeds. Anyway, Ty Segall recently started showing up in my recommendations of all places. I did a little digging and realized this guy’s three piece (and former one piece) is right up my alley. Check it.
Downloadable: It #1 (mp3)
Goner Records page is here.
Castle Face is on Myspace.
Wizard Mountain is here.
Amazon MP3 page is here.
eMusic page is here.
S/T BONUS: The Drag (mp3)
Caught onto this guy last year, but had no clue he’s a 3-piece now. See what happens when you put in work!
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
Like that first track. Thanks.
THX Peteski!!
Oh and if anyone reading this (besides Pete of course) hasn’t already made time to check out NEVVER, do it NOW.
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
Something weird going on with my Comments… hashcash is all f’ed up.
I guess I should take the time to plug The Needle Drop as well. Thanks Anthony!
The Needle Drop
The Needle Drop
The Needle Drop