mp3: Ty Segall > It #1
SFgaragepyschfuzzpopper Ty Segall’s self titled debut was totally off my radar last year. For example, I totally missed this post over at Raven Sings The Blues. How did this happen? I simply don’t know. Maybe it’s the name? It just didn’t catch my eye as I was scanning my RSS feeds. Anyway, Ty Segall recently started showing up in my recommendations of all places. I did a little digging and realized this guy’s three piece (and former one piece) is right up my alley. Check it.
It #1 (mp3)Goner Records page is here.
Castle Face is on Myspace.
Wizard Mountain is here.
Amazon MP3 page is here.
eMusic page is here.
The Drag (mp3)
Caught onto this guy last year, but had no clue he’s a 3-piece now. See what happens when you put in work!
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
Like that first track. Thanks.
THX Peteski!!
Oh and if anyone reading this (besides Pete of course) hasn’t already made time to check out NEVVER, do it NOW.
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
Something weird going on with my Comments… hashcash is all f’ed up.
I guess I should take the time to plug The Needle Drop as well. Thanks Anthony!
The Needle Drop
The Needle Drop
The Needle Drop