mp3 :: Little Girls > Heinz (Artery Cover)
Torontoindiefuzzband Little Girls is touring this fall in anticipation of their forthcoming debut album, Concepts (…and I thought they were only gonna release EPs). The album will drop on October 13th. To help promote the tour, the band has decided to share a cover of a song originally recorded by postpunkSheffielders Artery (who were originally known as “The”). Can you make out any of the lyrics? I know I can’t. Listen…
Downloadable: Heinz (Artery Cover) (paper bag mp3)
Upcoming Show
Oct 20 @ Cake Shop (for CMJ)
Paper Bag Records is here.
Mexican Summer is here.
Captured Tracks is on myspace.
old FADER post is here.
eMusic page is here.