friday night vids :: Woodsman + Total Slacker + Weekend + Wounded Lion + PC Worship + COLLARBONES
For your streaming pleasure, here are the latest Friday Night Vids…
Streamable: Parallel Minds (youtube) by Woodsman
Streamable: Secret VHS Collection (youtube) by Total Slacker
Downloadable: Secret VHS Collection (mp3)
Streamable: Monday Morning (Live @ FADER Fort) (youtube) by Weekend
Streamable: Going Into the Unknown (youtube) by Wounded Lion
Streamable: Southern Withdrawal (vimeo) by PC Worship
Streamable: The Ghostship (vimeo) by COLLARBONES
Downloadable: The Ghostship (mp3)
Speaking of music videos, Castle Awesome has a brief history of the Jacuzzi Boys inability to keep their NSFW video up on mainstream streaming video sites… here.
If you like what you hear you should probably purchase music from the above artists at any of these fine online retailers (or your local independent record store):
Insound | Amazon MP3 | eMusic | Other Music
And you can always watch more (live) videos @ the GIMMETINNITUSTUBE Channel.