mp3 :: Endless Endless Endless > Circle

GT’s favorite experimental post-noise duo is now an experimental pop duo. Endless Endless Endless has spent the last year or so condensing their usual “quarter-of-an-hour jams into 3-4 minute pop-tinged tracks”. They then painstakingly filled these pop songs with layers and layers of vocal overdubs. The new album, entitled Love and Loss contains EEE‘s most accessible recordings to date. While the band is searching for a label to release it in a physical (I assume, vinyl) format, they have offered up a digital-only pre-release.

Here is track number five from Love and Loss.


Downloadable: Circle (mp3)

You can purchase the digital version of Love and Loss (and/or download a bunch of their other recordings gratis) @

You can watch the video for “Had a Heart” on the vimeo, or download the audio file for free @

Streamable: Had a Heart (vimeo)

Endless Endless Endless have a q and also a

Endless Endless Endless is on the internet
Endless Endless Endless is on Bandcamp
Endless Endless Endless is on Facebook
Endless Endless Endless is on Soundcloud
Endless Endless Endless is on Vimeo
Endless Endless Endless is on Tired Trails
Endless Endless Endless is on Kimberly Dawn Recordings
Endless Endless Endless is on Skrot Up
Endless Endless Endless is on Temple South

Endless Endless Endless

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