friday night vids :: Liars + Kent State + Dead Gaze + Roomrunner + Wax Idols + Legs + Haunted Horses + Mike Cooper

For your streaming pleasure, here is the tenth installment of Friday Night Vids for the year numbered 2013…
Streamable: The Exact Color Of Doubt (youtube) by Liars

Streamable: Hogs Tooth (youtube) by Kent State

Downloadable: Hogs Tooth (mp3)
Streamable: I Found The Ending (youtube) by Dead Gaze

Streamable: Weird (vimeo) by Roomrunner

(as seen)
Streamable: When It Happens (vimeo) by Wax Idols

Streamable: Two Colours (vimeo) by Legs

Downloadable: Two Colours (mp3)

(as seen)
Streamable: The Moons March (vimeo) by Haunted Horses

(as seen)
Streamable: White Shadows Of The South Seas (vimeo) by Mike Cooper

(as seen)
If you like what you see/hear you should probably purchase music from the above artists at any of these fine online retailers or your local independent record store or better yet buy directly from the band next time you go out to a show:

Insound | eMusic | Other Music
And you can always watch more (live) music video @ the GIMMETINNITUSTUBE Channel and the GIMME TINNITUS Vimeo.

Friday Night Vids

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