friday night vids :: Stickers + UUMANS + Mexican Slang + Hooray for Earth + Black Bananas + Vacant Fever
For your streaming pleasure, here is the next installment of Friday Night Vids for the year numbered 2014. And it’s not really Friday anymore, but I’m not gonna wait a whole week to post these, ok?
Streamable: Outlet (youtube) by Stickers
Downloadable: Outlet (mp3)
(as seen)
Streamable: “MR LONELY” (INVERTED) (vimeo) by UUMANS
(as seen)
Streamable: Halcyon (youtube) by Mexican Slang
Streamable: Keys (youtube) by Hooray for Earth
Streamable: Powder 8 Eeeeeeeeight (youtube) by Black Bananas
Streamable: Headdress Made Of Fire (youtube) by Vacant Fever
Downloadable: Headdress Made Of Fire (mp3)
Streamable: 1988 MTV News Feature Re: Sampling
(as seen)
For further edification check out this post from 2003 featuring Double Dee & Steinski featuring “The Lesson”.
If you like what you see/hear you should probably purchase music from the above artists at any of these fine online retailers or your local independent record store or better yet buy directly from the band next time you go out to a show:
Insound | eMusic | Other Music
You can always watch more (live) music video @ the GIMMETINNITUSTUBE Channel and the GIMME TINNITUS Vimeo, but frankly I have been to lazy to record whole songs at shows recently, so you might as well go to the GT Vine.