stream these :: Scupper + Miniboone + Washer + Useless Eaters + Al Lover
So, here is this week’s round up of all the necessary audio/video streams. I’m pretty sure that I am leaving something out, so leave a comment and let me know what’s missing. Or not.
Mike Janson, Andrew Shumway and Richard Amari are Scupper. Their 2014 debut EP Scupper! is sold out, sooo check out “Barf in a Tube” and pick up the digital for cheap. Scupper are set to play a free show at Record Grouch on May 9th, 7pm. Scupper!
Ernest Jenning drops the new Miniboone next week. Check out “Basic Song” and preorder Bad Sports here.
This be the brand new Washer. Off their upcoming split with Flagland, which it set to be released via ECB&B/EIS on May 5th. Preorder it here. Stream it.
(as seen)
Slovenly has released a collection of Useless Eaters singles (2011-2014). Stream it below, and then buy it (b/c it rules, ok?)
Dig that album art too.
GT fav Al Lover has a dope new remix on this Tolouse EP called Juice. Check it (and then purchase the digital).
AND I assume you have check out the tracks of the new Protomartyr/R.Ring split, ok? AND that new Shark? track too, amirite?
AND remember there’s always lots to stream at the GIMME TINNITUS Soundcloud or the GT Youtubes, and also at the GT Tumblr too.