q and also a :: Posh Lost
Poshlost or поÌшлоÑÑ‚ÑŒ is a Russian word for a particular negative human character trait or man-made thing or idea. It is an example of an untranslatable word. Posh Lost, however, is translatable. They are a post punk band from MN. They used to be called Gloss but have since changed their name to avoid confusion with G.L.O.S.S. With a new name and a new eponymous LP, the members of Posh Lost: Jeff Cornell (Vocals and Guitar), Jackson Woolsey (Bass and Vocals), Josh Olson (Drums), Sean Neppl (Guitar), and Emmy Carter (Synthesizers and Vocals) sent us these answers to our questions in this installment of q and also a.
q: What is the last song you (really) heard?
JO: Currently listening to SS Exploder by Nation of Ulysses at work, but the last song I gave my full attention to was the new Russian Circles track, Afrika.
JW: “Bleeker Street†by Simon and Garfunkel.
SN: Message From The Nile – McCoy Tyner. I feel like in the world of piano jazz McCoy Tyner gets a bad rap; I don’t know why, he’s played on some exceptional albums. I found a hacked copy of his 1973 album Extensions in a box at the record store where i work and immediately freaked out. I’d been looking for the record for years because of the first track on the record, “Message From The Nileâ€. The line up and vibe are stellar somehow picking up where Alice Coltrane’s Journey In Satchidananda left off. Alice plays harp on the track, and a few others. Wayne Shorter is on point, the rhythm (Ron Carter, Elvin Jones) are on point, Gary Bartz is on point. The whole record is great and “Message From The Nile” is what got me there.
EC: Cigarettes After Sex, “I’m a Firefighter.â€
q: What is the first album you remember purchasing?
JO: Definitely By the Way by Red Hot Chili Peppers
SN: So if the question is the first “CD” I remember purchasing, it was the Jimmy Neutron Movie Soundtrack. It’s got some prime cuts, Aaron Carter, The Go-Go’s, Joey Ramone, Backstreet Boys NSYNC, Britney Spears; I listened to it all the time. If the question is first “album†it was Radiohead’s The Bends; which is either my first or second favorite Radiohead record depending on the day.
q: Is there an album you wished you knew about when you were younger?
JO: Marquee Moon had a pretty big impact on me and I just really listened to it two years or so ago…probably would’ve been pretty cool to listen to that back in middle school or something.
JC: I wish I had understood The Smiths earlier on- I’d probably be a better guitarist for it.
SN: John Coltrane’s My Favorite Things. I really wish I had gotten into jazz sooner. I think “My Favorite Things†being an instantly recognizable song would have helped me realize what jazz was and would have helped it all click.
q: What is the last album that you purchased?
JO: Lightless Walk by Cult Leader and The Wilderness by Explosions in the Sky.
JC: The Astrud Gilberto Album by, well, Astrud Gilberto. I’ve been on a huge Bossa Nova kick lately.
JW: Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack.
SN: I just found a minty promo copy of Judee Sill’s Heart Food!
EC: Frankie Teardrop’s Hell Yep.
q: What is your favorite memory of experiencing music in a live setting?
JO: When I was in Middle School I went and saw The Flaming Lips and Sonic Youth at the MN State Fair. When we got there a crazy storm went through and damn near flooded the entire fairgrounds, and I vividly remember trash cans floating down the street. It cleared up right when the show as scheduled to start, but the opening band whom I don’t remember had their gear ruined by the storm. The Lips let them use theirs, and the show went on without a hitch to a beautiful sunset. Memories of Thurston making wild feedback are some of my fondest.
JC: The first time I saw James Blake was the first time he played at the First Avenue mainroom. First Avenue had just installed a new sound system, one that seemed to be fairly bass heavy. I had seen rock bands play through the new system and it always sounded like a flabby mess. However, it perfectly suited Blake’s music. His live set up was fairly minimal- him on synths/piano, a live electronic drummer, and a guitarist. It was the first time I saw an artist and thought their records were not fully conveying the weight of their music. The minimalism of his arrangements, while intimate on record, came through with power and clarity in a live setting. The sub bass frequencies were numbingly low, but not in a cheap dubstep trope sort of way. The crowd’s cheer got looped through his vocal looper- I’m not usually a fan of crowd participation, but this spur of the moment happenstance was very organic and made for a memorable performance.
SN: A local band Claps asked us to play a show at the Turf Club when we first started playing as Gloss. It was the same day as a barbecue party, colloquially called RIBFEST, that my Grandfather hosts on occasion. We played a few songs at that, on my Grandmother’s request, and then headed to the Turf. The thing I’ll always remember about the show was the lead singer of Claps running around and dancing to our set, supposedly exclaiming how much he liked it to his friends. Claps was my favorite local band at the time so it semi-surreal. Pat’s now a good friend and bandmate in another band!
EC: I work at a music venue, and have seen so many amazing shows. Recently, I saw Philip Glass play “music in similar motion†from the second pew in a small southern church. It was pretty sublime.
q: What is your favorite artist/band to listen to recorded (i.e. not live)?
JO: Most of the instrumental bands that I was and am into are experienced better intimately on record, in my opinion.
JC: Most bands that are old enough to have reunion tours. I would rather keep my rose colored lenses on and glorify a time period I had no part of than to try to recreate it today.
JW: All of it, I don’t like live music.
SN: At the moment it’s probably Talk Talk. Laughing Stock is as close to perfect as a record could be. Followed by Bark Psychosis.
EC: For someone that sees a lot of live music, I’m with Jack. I’d much rather listen to music alone. I definitely don’t have a favorite recorded artist. I’m really digging Cigarettes After Sex at the moment. It hearkens back (intentionally, apparently) to Cowboy Junkies’ Trinity Session, which had a huge impact on me. Those were some of the first songs I started learning on guitar when I was young. I guess I really like music in churches.
q: What piece(s) of culture are you really really excited about right now?
JC: That’s a tough question to answer in 2016- there’s a lot to be troubled about. I suppose that despite not winning the nomination, Bernie Sanders’ campaign has proven today’s young people are far more open to democratic socialist ideals than any generation before them.
SN: I’m really hyped on Stranger Things! It’s the first show I’ve binged straight through in a long time.
JW: Seeing what’s been happening with the Black Lives Matter movement has been both heartbreaking and uplifting.
q: Anything we should know about your latest project (whatever that might be)?
JC: Our debut album has been a long time coming, and feels more cohesive to us than any of our past releases. I’m excited to finally share it. Expect Duran Duran and Wham revivals from my other music projects.
SN: Not really. I’m excited for our debut to come out and I’m excited to start writing new songs because I have no idea what they’ll end up sounding like.
JW: Jeff and I both write separately on this new album, it ends up being two perspectives of a similar kind of nihilism. One directed outwards and the other directed inwards, and how those two views harm others around you.
Watch: Fabricate
(as seen)
Listen (then buy): Posh Lost
(as seen)
Upcoming Tour Dates:
PITTSBURGH AUGUST 3rd @ Howlers with Little Flowers, Olivia II
9pm | 5$ | 21+NEW YORK CITY AUGUST 4th @ Aviv with Evan Ønly, Weeping Icon, Human People8pm | 8$ | All Ages
NORTHAMPTON AUGUST 5th @ Red Cross with Grist, Landing
PHILADELPHIA AUGUST 7th @ MilkBoy with Carroll, Doubles
7pm | 8$ | 21+DAY OFF PARTY TIME
CLEVELAND AUGUST 9th @ Now That’s Class with Gino and the Goon
MADISON AUGUST 10th @ Williamson Magnetic Studios, with Giant People, Tippy
7pm | 5$ | All AgesDES MOINES AUGUST 11th @ Des Moines Social Club, with TBA
MINNEAPOLIS AUGUST 12th @ Triple Rock Social Club – Tour Homecoming/Album Release show with Blowout, Fury Things
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