podcast :: GIMME TINNITUS Radio Time > 11/4/18 (The Regrets)
OK, here is the latest episode of GIMME TINNITUS Radio Time with special guests Olivia and Stuart from The Regrets!
Listen via Mixcloud…
The Playlist for 11/4/18:
The show starts out with The Regrets playing this dope playlist which I am too lazy to transcribe:
- Satan Smile by Hellrazor
- Garbage People by wimps
- II by Dead Tenants
- Hounds by lié
- Pottymouth by Bratmobile
- Automatic Midnight by Hot Snakes

Thanks so much to Stuart and Olivia for stopping by… and here is a (((spotify link))) if you prefer that, ok?
Then my cassette-only set featured selections from…
The next GTRT is coming up 11/18/18 @ 4pm!
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If you like what you hear on GTRT, you should probably purchase music from the above artists at your local independent record store or better yet buy directly from the band at the merch table at a show.
And, if you haven’t done it already, make sure you check out the other GTRT episodes.