audio stream :: Shellshag > Resilient Bastard
Two piece punkers, John “Shellhead” Driver (guitar) and Jennifer Shagawat (percussion), “Shell” & “Shag” or Shellshag have been doing this since 1997. They have released 30 albums in 20 some odd years. Earlier this month, they sent out an email, announcing that they are removing their music from streaming services and having a contest promoting the sale of their discography for a mere $30. This will be the last chance to purchase these recordings.
They will be keeping one track online… Resilient Bastard!
Here is the text of the email…
March 21, 2020
From the desk of shellshag:
Hello friends and peers,
We hope this finds you safe and well.
We wanted you to know that on November 1st 2019, we removed ourselves from all online streaming services like spotify, google play, etc..
We never intended on “renting” our music, Now that we realized, that’s what streaming services do, we have left that system. We want you to own our music. Affordably.
So on February 20th 2020, we uploaded our full discography of 30 releases for $30 until May 20 2020..
Except our song “Resilient Bastard”. This song remains free, online, forever.
We will continue to add raffle prizes between now and May 22nd, when we have our live drawing to see who wins the prizes so enter now by buying our full discog. to win!
We are really proud of what we have accomplished in 26 years. It’s really fun to see it all on one page for us and reminisce together but we are also excited to bid farewell to a corporate system that contradicts who we are and what we stand for.
Love and respect, Shellshag
Hoping this price will make it easier for those of you who have bought so many of our records over the years, in so many formats, to buy our music again, one last time, in support of our effort to be ourselves, while allowing new fans to catch up (digitally) at the cost of one record and a t-shirt.
We appreciate your support over the years and hope you buy this tasty history before we start a new chapter for Shellshag, Free of the weight of the past and free from the work and confusion that carrying our entire experience with us everywhere we go causes. It’s a ton of baggage to carry.
You can purchase the Shellshag discography for $30 @ (just do it before May 20th).
Shellshag are on Bandcamp
Shellshag are on Twitter
Shellshag are on Facebook
Shellshag are on Starcleaner Records
Shellshag are on Don Giovanni Records
Shellshag are on Dead Broke Records
Shellshag are on We Are Busy Bodies
Shellshag are on Thrillhouse Records
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