tour diary :: Distant Correspondent > Entry #13
Cincinnati by MARGARET When The Seedy Seeds were actively touring, we were in the habit of trying to get our daily itinerary as tight as possible. There’s no doubt that remnants of that approach were active in my brain as I reviewed Distant Correspondent’s routing and lodging plans just before departing for Denver. I didn’t […] more…
tour diary :: Distant Correspondent > Entry #12
Pittsburgh by DAVID Pittsburgh, we hardly knew ye. We got to town right before the first band started, and for the first and only time of the whole tour, we had to leave right after playing. As such, we did not get to see a band I’d been looking forward to checking out: The Silver […] more…
tour diary :: Distant Correspondent > Entry #11
Philadelphia! by EMILY “Welcome to Philadelphia!†enthuses one of the guys from Dinowalrus. “The shittiest state in the union! Can you tell?†Actually, it’s bizarrely reminiscent of Leicester, the land-locked, post-industrial middens in which I failed to misspend my youth. Businesses of no evident purpose or productivity lapse into soot-stained senility on street after unpopulated […] more…
tour diary :: Distant Correspondent > Entry #10
Brooklyn by TYLER Tyler here! On Halloween, Distant Correspondent finally gets a night off. After raging into the dawn with Columbia’s finest, The Unawares, this is just what the doctor ordered. It helps that where we’re staying in Virginia is positively palatial. Well-rested and in a good mood, we head out the next morning to […] more…
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