Friday Night Vids :: Parts & Labor + Tom Vek + Superchunk + Girlfriends + Young Widows + Time New Viking + Beastie Boys
For your streaming pleasure, here is the latest Friday Night Vids… Streamable: Echo Chamber (youtube) by Parts & Labor Streamable: A Chore (youtube) by Tom Vek Streamable: Crossed Wires (youtube) by Superchunk Streamable: Eat Around The Bad Parts (vimeo) by Girlfriends Downloadable: Eat Around The Bad Parts […]more…
mp3 :: Times New Viking > Ever Falling In Love
Times New Viking it seems have become the pop band that were always lurking underneath the layers of noise and recorder grot and feedback. We had a glimpse of this last October when they released “No Room To Live” (get it here).Their latest album (and first for Merge) is entitled Dancer Equired. It will hit […]more…
best of 2.01k :: Favorite Downloadables
Woah, 2010 was a pretty awesome year for music. This here post is evidence of that fact. What follows is a compilation of all the tracks that have been stuck in my head all year long. Definitely check out the top 20 tracks, but also make sure you scroll through the whole list. Perhaps there […]more…
mp3s :: NOT POSTED Mix, Vol. 11
It’s time to listen to the tracks I have not posted recently. Here is the next NOT POSTED mix. These are just some of the songs that would get their own individual posts here on GIMME TINNITUS, if I only had the time. This mix is particularly awesome. Listen. Downloadables: Jingle Dell (live chopping of […]more…