premiere :: Le Rug > Birth Control

Le Rug‘s Facebook description: “Le Rug has been a New York based band centered around all around asshole and narcissist Ray Weiss. Clearly he is better than you in every way.” Weiss’ latest (and last?) album, Swelling (My Own Worst Anime), is set to come on out on December 2nd via the good folks at Fleeting Youth Records. Weiss has had a rough time since the break up of Butter The Children and you can hear it on the songs of Swelling. The album was played, produced, and mixed alone by Weiss whose lyrics are filled with wit and cynicism and heart ache.

I believe in birth control because the world is already full and everyone wants to die.


Streamable: Birth Control (soundcloud)

You can preorder Swelling (My Own Worst Anime) at

You can also grab the final Butter The Children album @

Le Rug is on Bandcamp
Le Rug is on Facebook
Le Rug is on Fleeting Youth Records
Le Rug is on Hype Machine
Le Rug is on eMusic

BONUS: Jailbait (mp3)

Le Rug

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