Consider CLICKing: New New New Mika Miko + Shop Assistants digitized + Grizzy mp3!
– First up, We Be Xuxa the new new new album from Smell-sters Mika Miko is due May 4th on PPM. Here is the first taste:
I Got A Lot (New New New) (mp3) (props to MBV)– BJ, the archivist of Pukekos, posted a bunch of material from Shop Assistants the other day… here. They totally sound like your favorite new band, only they are not new.
– Veckatimest by Grizzly Bear is one of the most anticipated albums of the year in the indie circles. While the album leaked a while ago, the mp3s are starting to hit the mp3 blogs. Take a listen:
Cheerleader (mp3) (props to Gorilla Vs. Bear)– Download a new flowerpunk mp3 from Los Black Lips:
I’ll Be With You (vice mp3 with a plug at the end)– Pop Tarts Suck Toasted has a little search engine helper for you, a list of the Top 10 Hardest Bands to Google… here. Awesome.
Note: Two of the three mp3s in this post are also available at the awesome Forkcast.
just saw this: HEALTH///INTERVIEW !!!
[…] album that requires you to lose your shit. Right along with Power Move, Dim Light, I Blame You, and We Be Xuxa has been filed under the category “Best Of 2009″ in the back of my […]