CMJ09 :: The Forms vs. Kenny’s Castaways

Here are the results of going to see The Forms last night…

[Tweet] # #cmj09 :: headed to kenny’s castaways to see the forms and maybe catch some of western civ

[Tweet] # #cmj09 :: think I just heard some western civ, now wish I heard more… oh well


I Am A Waterfall (mp3) by Western Civ

[Tweet] # #cmj09 :: I now know why I have never been to kenny’s castaways… having a hard time enjoying this place even on an ironic level

[Tweet] # #cmj09 :: is that blues hammer on the sound system?? seriously making me retch

[Tweet] # #cmj09 :: oh shit I think that was kiss :: guess I will never be a member of the kiss army :: not gonna rock n roll all nite

[Tweet] # #cmj09 :: the forms setting up :: the forms telling electric blue pants stories :: playing the game “name that forms song”


Red Gun (mp3) by The Forms

[Tweet] # #cmj09 :: was that knowledge in hand?? :: 2 more songs, one song + one failed art project

[Note] The failed art project was 20 seconds of bashing on instruments

[Tweet] # #cmj09 :: day one finished :: going home :: thx y’all

[Note] Chatted to Alex after the show, he confirmed they are STILL working on their new EP of re-envisioned tracks with lots of special guests. Just remembered that they needed lots of time (50 days?) to finish their eponymous record. Guess I just need to be patient.

[Most Intense Photo of The Day]
The Forms CMJ09 Day 1

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