bestof2009 :: Off My Radar
And now the final Best of 2009 post. After an exhaustive review of end of the year lists and some long forgotten playlists from earlier this year, I have culled together a bunch of songs that were simply “off my radar.” This includes songs by artists I have never even heard of, as well as some stuff I had read about and downloaded, but then got lost in the gigabytes of my iTunes library. There is a broad mix of tunes here… indiepop, electronicexperimental, psychrockfreakout, southernmetal, synthfunk, and just plain rock ‘n’ roll. Have fun listening.
This is Off My Radar 2009.
Land of the Morning Calm (mp3) by Apollo Ghosts WARRIOR (mp3) by The Bitters Harvey’s Machine (mp3) by Black Cock Miarches (mp3) by Forest Swords Valient Brave (mp3) by Ganglians UP UP UP (mp3) by GIVERS The Thrust That Missed (mp3) by HAWKS No Mindless Love (mp3) by JAILL Said And Done (mp3) by Kylesa Skynet Infiltration Simulation Unit (mp3) by Luke Perry Don’t Lie (mp3) by The Mantles Star 131 (mp3) by Night Control Weak For Me (mp3) by Nite Jewel The Sun Is Out (mp3) by Reading Rainbow Tunnel (mp3) by Shuttle Casablanca (mp3) by So Cow The River Rushes (To Screw MD Over) (mp3) by Thee Oh Sees Candy Girl (Demo) (mp3) by Trailer Trash TracysHint Hint: All these songs should fit nicely on a CD-R.
If you want to download all the individual tracks in this post, you should think about installing the DownThemAll! Firefox extension.
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Wow you are SUCH A NAG about installing the DownThemAll Firefox extension.
The extension’s utility demands a plug whenever I put up a post with a bajillion mp3s.
Good call on Kylesa. Great album, not enough credit given
[…] is one of the OFF MY RADAR tracks from 2009. Love the crazy crazy gang warfare footage they found for […]