Friday Night Vids :: Spoon + Archie Bronson Outfit + The Soft Pack + Strange Boys + Eluvium
This is still my fav track from the new Spoon album, Transference. The band keeps it classy in black and white.
Streamable: Written In Reverse (p4k) by Spoon
Downloadable: Written In Reverse (mp3)
If this vid is any indication, I can’t wait to see all the videos that will accompany Coconut. Preorder it.
Streamable: Shark’s Tooth (youtube) by Archie Bronson Outfit
Downloadable: Shark’s Tooth (mp3)
props to stereogum
What’s with the shots of screaming 60’s-style youth in this video? I’m not quite sure, but I dig the look and feel of this vid.
Streamable: C’mon (youtube) by The Soft Pack
Downloadable: C’mon (mp3)
The Strange Boys appear to be continuing the so-called flowerpunk revolution… now featuring the sax playing of former Mika Miko member Jenna E. Thornhill deWitt.
Streamable: Be Brave (youtube) by The Strange Boys
Downloadable: Be Brave (mp3)
All the ambientheads are psyched for the Eluvium album which drops on Feb 23rd. Preorder it.
Streamable: The Motion Makes Me Last (youtube) by Eluvium
Downloadable: The Motion Makes Me Last (mp3)
This has been another…