q and also a :: Foot Village

3 of the four citizen/drummers of Foot Village sent us these answers to our questions in this next installment of our q and also a series.

q: What is the last song you (really) heard?

CITIZEN ROWAN: My Bathroom is a Private Kind of Place by American Standards (wfmu link, follow it). It’s a wonderful song about a woman who can only be herself in the privacy of the bathroom. Ridiculously captivating.

CITIZEN LEE: Miley: Party in the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bragging Party (mp3) by The Amps … although if people want to see just how silly my listening taste is, I am a last.fm addict.

q: What is your favorite food?

CITIZEN ROWAN: Cheeses, all of them.

CITIZEN LEE: Anything with the a pre-chewed consistency: Bean and Cheese burritos being number 1!

CITIZEN KINSMAN: A tuna melt, but it has to be perfect. I haven’t had
a perfect one since the 90s.

q: What is your favorite band to see live?

CITIZEN ROWAN: A++ (Grace’s other band) or Captain Ahab


Was Love (mp3) by Captain Ahab

CITIZEN LEE (aka Grace): Realicide and Captain Ahab for sure.

Listen: HxC FIGUREHEAD (rmx) (soundcloud link) by Realicide

CITIZEN KINSMAN: Captain Ahab. Solid but still unpredictable. I also prefer my live music hyperactive and my home listening mellow.

q: What is your favorite venue in NYC (if applicable)?

CITIZEN LEE: Hmmm, only been to two and one i can remember the name: Death by Audio. I guess it’s favorite by default! Is it not cool to reference CBGBs? (ed. note: too soon).

CITIZEN KINSMAN: Death by Audio. The audience made me feel all metro.

q: OK, President Obama appoints you as the first Secretary of Culture, to whom do you give your first grant?

CITIZEN ROWAN: Jim Smith, so he can buy the building that houses The Smell from the owner that will surely sell it to some greedy developer in the next few years.

CITIZEN LEE: This is a really tough question. There are so many people doing amazing things, it’s hard to say just one group/person has priority over another. I think instead of one grant, I would create a collaborative made up of really rad and super smart people. Then I would create a list of priority actions like: environment (including environmental justice), social reform, urban planning, arts, FOOD!, and maybe a Crazy Idea category that could include stuff like wacky fringe science and space travel. And then I would build a totally earth friendly ship and once month outta the year, this collaborative would sail around the world and come up with really amazing solutions to some of our problems…maybe even silly things like whats going on the next stamp. By the time we docked at home, we would have all these great to-do lists, totally shovel ready. Of course, there would live webcams all over the ship so the world can witness the process.

CITIZEN KINSMAN: Myself, I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for years! Besides, I got to behave like a real politician or I might lose my job!

q: Anything we should know about your latest project (whatever that might be)?

CITIZEN ROWAN: I have a weekly radio show in Los Angeles that specializes in underground experimental music and surreal treasures from past eras and far-away lands. Archives found at: http://www.kxlu.com/blogs/voiceofreason.htm

CITIZEN LEE: I am going to make lounge pillows with all my leftover fabrics. MMM, and I am starting a new band with Kristy of Lil’ Pocketknife and K.I.T., and Margo of I.E. That’s going to rule so hard!


Pants Control Remix [Red Hott Electric Pants!] (mp3) by Lil’ Pocketknife

CITIZEN KINSMAN: We’re still doing tons of Foot Village stuff (and getting kinda soul inspired lately), but I’ve also been making super mellow drone music inspired by the cold tech-capitalist 80s…. that’s under the name Back To The Future The Ride and my first release is free online. BTW, Citizen Lee should call her new band THE BEACH GIRLS.


The History of Time Travel (mp3) from Back To The Future The Ride

Here is Foot Village‘s track from their split 7″ w/ 60 Watt Kid on Absolutely Kosher.


Kim ILL (mp3

Here is the title track from their recent LP, Anti-Magic.


Anti-Magic (mp3)

Watch: Anti-Magic (vimeo) by foot village

Here are some more freebies from Foot Village:

– Download the Anti-Magic Remix Kit @ footvillage.org.

– Download PRO-CREATION ROCKERS, a compilation of bands that played on Foot Village’s 2009 ‘Anti-Magic / Pro-Creation’ EU tour @ Death Bomb Arc.

– Download 2 discs worth of Chicken And Cheese Covers @ free music archive:

– Download the Foot Village LP, Fuck The Future @ free music archive:

Foot Village has an official site.
Foot Village is on Myspace.
Foot Village is on Facebook.
Foot Village is on Twitter.
Foot Village is on Bandcamp.
Foot Village is on Free Music Archive.
Death Bomb Arc is here.
Death Bomb Arc store is here.
Upset The Rhythm is here.
Insound page is here.
Amazon MP3 is here.
eMusic page is here.

Foot Village by Renata Raksha
photo credit: http://www.renataraksha.com/

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