mp3 :: Marie Stella > En Fluxx

Marie Stella have a brand new single which is available at their bandcamp page using the pay-what-you-want formula (set to $0 for one month). Bring on the noisepop. Listen.


En Fluxx (mp3)

You can stream the whole thing using the Bandcamp streamer below. The B-side is a much higher-fi version of a Marie Stella song which has been floating around the internets as a demo for some time.

Streamable: En Fluxx single (bandcamp)

Marie Stella is also on the upcoming GBV compilation from the good folks at No More Fake Labels. The comp will drop on April 16, 2011 a/k/a Record Store Day and features the Flaming Lips, Western Civ, Cymbals Eat Guitars, Mass Solo Revolt, Crooked Fingers, La Sera, Kelley Deal, Thurston Moore, and Lou Barlow among others. Additional deets are available @

Reportedly, Marie Stella is planning to play some show(s) in NYC this March.

Marie Stella is on the internet
Marie Stella is on Facebook
Marie Stella is on Myspace
Marie Stella is on Bandcamp
Marie Stella is on
Marie Stella is on Hype Machine

Oh and band member Bryan Bruchman is on Tumblr and Twitter.


Message From Limbo (mp3)

En Fluxx by Marie Stella

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