mp3 :: Steel Phantoms > Film Reel Quiver

We finally got a chance to check out Steel Phantoms (or S T L P H N T M S sans vowels) at Brooklyn Ski Club’s Too Broke For Texas show with EULA and Spanish Prisoners the other week. FYI, the trio slayed.

We just can’t get enough of Steel Phantoms‘ blend of postpunk and new wave. Listen.

Downloadable: Film Reel Quiver (mp3)

Stream the whole of the first Steel Phantoms EP using the widget below. If you like it why not buy it for $5 @

Streamable: Steel Phantoms EP (bandcamp)

The band is entering the studio soon to record a new EP. In fact, they need your help. You can help them record by backing this Kickstater project.

An appeal from the band:

We do not have label support, and all the money we make at our respective jobs goes towards paying for our practice space, gear, and transport to and from our shows in Brooklyn and Manhattan. It’s 2011, and it’s far more difficult for a startup band, however talented, to garner initial label support. So we look to you, our friends and fans, to help us get on our way.

Do it.

Once the new EP is recorded, the band will be playing numerous shows in and around NYC.

Steel Phantoms is on Bandcamp
Steel Phantoms is on Twitter
Steel Phantoms is on Facebook
Steel Phantoms is on Myspace
Steel Phantoms is on
Steel Phantoms is on Hype Machine

BONUS: Evening Routine (mp3)

Steel Phantoms at The Suffolk

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