q and also a :: Ghost Animal

Michael and Marisa of Ghost Animal sent us these answers to our questions in this next installment of the q and also a series.

q: What is the last song you (really) heard?

michael: Hmm, that’s tough given the parenthetical. The last song I listened to was “GB City” by the kickass Bass Drum of Death off their kickass album GB City. But the last song I really heard? Let me check my last.fm. I feel like the question means something more than the last song I listened to, suggesting something along the lines of the last song that sunk its claws in or destroyed me in some emotional capacity. I don’t know. Let’s leave it at that.

marisa: “Into Black” by Blouse.

Streamable: GB City (youtube) by Bass Drum of Death

You Should Close the Door (mp3) by Craft Spells (editor’s note: Michael’s actual last listen)
Into Black (mp3) by Blouse

q: What is your favorite beverage?

michael: I have a few, depending on when. Diet Coke (any time after noon and before nine), Gin and Tonic (either Bombay Sapphire and tonic with lime or Hendricks and tonic with cucumber, depends on how saucy I’m feeling), or just a nice big bottle of red wine from 7-Eleven. It’s a rotating cast, really, but never at the same time.

marisa: Gin and Tonic.

q: What is your favorite band to see live?

michael: Lately I’ve had a blast at every Hausu show I’ve gone to (it’s this band of four friends of mine at Reed College). I want to say The White Stripes but sadly they are no longer, and I’ve only seen them twice (once I was in the midst of a mosh pit in Rome, that was insane). I guess really my favorite band to see live is any band that makes me lose my mind. Especially if my friends are in the band. That’s really special.

marisa: Beach Fossils. John Peña is so cute. Also Craft Spells!!! They’re the best! LOVE JUSTIN.

She’s A Babe (mp3) by Hausu
Fall Right In (mp3) by Beach Fossils
From the Morning Heat (mp3) by Craft Spells

Streamable: Seven Nation Army (youtube) by The White Stripes

q: What is your favorite venue in NYC (if applicable)?

michael: Well I’ve never been to a show in New York that I didn’t play. Glasslands was the prettiest venue, I’d love to go to a real bumping show there sometime. But Silent Barn was really fantastic. So I’d say Silent Barn.

marisa: Well my favorite venue in SF is Bottom of the Hill. When we played NY, the funnest space we played was Silent Barn.

Streamable: In Your Room (Live at Silent Barn) (youtube)

q: What piece(s) of culture are you really really excited about right now?

michael: The 90s coming back. It’s already happening with bands hugely influenced by Pavement, Dinosaur Jr., etc. I’m really waiting for a grunge comeback. That’s my goal. So, I guess the real answer: Nirvana.

marisa: Fuck, I don’t know. I’ve been cut off from the world too long, stuck in college. I don’t know…sweater vests?

Gold Soundz (mp3) Pavement
Freak Scene (mp3) by Dinosaur Jr.

Streamable: Negative Creep (Live 8/20/91) (youtube) by Nirvana

q: Anything we should know about your latest project (whatever that might be)?

michael: My latest and consuming project is my senior thesis on the novels of Virginia Woolf. Oh and I’ve started to download the entire R.E.M. discography because I realized the other day I’ve never listened to them, and that feels like a shame. Oh: musically Marisa and I have been writing and practicing new songs when we’ve had time. We’re really excited about what we’ve come up with so far and can’t wait for school to be over so we can get into the studio and record some of these tracks. So I guess just keep a lookout, new things should start happening by summertime. Also we have some old/new releases coming out – a 7″ with remastered songs from the first tape and another 5-song 7″ EP coming out, um…soon? Yes. And our Kill/Hurt tape sold out! The tape has two extra bonus tracks on it! Ok whatever. Oh and I think we’re doing a split 7″ with one of my favorite bands, Tan Dollar. But so far that’s all talk. Hopefully it’ll happen.

marisa: Well, we’ve been sitting down writing some new stuff. And guess what…I sing! I’m pretty excited for our new songs. You’ll be able to tell we’ve been sun deprived too long here in Portland. #whiteasfuck #seasonalaffectivedisorder

In Your Room (mp3)
In Your Room (Golden Ages Remix) (mp3)
Single Man (mp3)
Young And In Love (mp3)
Tired (A Ceremony) (mp3)

And be sure to check out the rest of the q and also a series… here.

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Ghost Animal is on Kill/Hurt
Ghost Animal is on Summertime in Hell
Ghost Animal is on Orchid Tapes
Ghost Animal is on Spooky Town
Ghost Animal is on Party Lab

Ghost Animal at Glasslands

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