friday night vids :: Weekend + Naked Pictures + Mickey Mickey Rourke + Pictureplane + The Earth is A Man + The Flaming Lips + Lightning Bolt

For your streaming pleasure, here are the latest Friday Night Vids
Streamable: End Times (vimeo) by Weekend

Downloadable: End Times (mp3)

Streamable: Haunted Castle (vimeo) by Naked Pictures

Streamable: SATANIC YOUTH BRIGADE (vimeo) by Mickey Mickey Rourke

Downloadable: SATANIC YOUTH BRIGADE (mp3)

Streamable: Post Physical (vimeo) by Pictureplane

Downloadable: Post Physical (mp3)

Watch an awesome fan-made video for Post-Physical @

Streamable: You Might Have A Moustache (vimeo) by The Earth is A Man

Streamable: I Wanna Get High But I Don’t Want Brain Damage (Feat. Lightning Bolt) (youtube) by The Flaming Lips

You can always watch more (live) videos @ the GIMMETINNITUSTUBE Channel.

And if you like what you hear you should probably purchase music from the above artists at any of these fine online retailers (or your local independent record store):

Insound | Amazon MP3 | eMusic | Other Music
Friday Night Vids

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