mp3s :: Best Downloadables of 2011, Vol. 8

It is time for the next volume of the Best Downloadables of 2011.

You can stream (and scrobble) all the songs in this mix using the player at the bottom of the page OR you can download any or all of the tracks at your leisure (with the usual right-click or control-click) and play them using a digital media player of your choice.



  1. Spinning (mp3) by Roomrunner
  2. Aorist (mp3) by HotChaCha
  3. MEDICINE (mp3) by Throwing Up
  4. No Nostalgia (mp3) by Parts & Labor
  5. Always On Time From Now On (mp3) by ATM

    [d/l Always On Time From Now On / Try Harder W/ Brain 7″ @]

  6. Mind Daze (mp3) by Psychic Ills
  7. Dead Like You (mp3) by Wax Idols
  8. Skateboard Bulldog (mp3) by Radical Dads
  9. Hey, We Tried (mp3) by Tennis System
  10. Less Chat More Sewing (mp3) by Street Chant
  11. It’s Leaking (mp3) by Life Size Maps

    [d/l Magnifier @]

  12. Pyong (mp3) by Christmas
  13. Diehard (mp3) by Diehard
  14. Lemon Tree (mp3) by Mister Melt

    [d/l Lemon Tree EP @]

  15. Nerds (mp3) by Pterodactyl
  16. Godstar (Psychic TV cover) (mp3) by Dinowalrus
  17. Sympathy (mp3) by True Womanhood
  18. Goth Star (Pictureplane cover) (mp3) by HEALTH
  19. Tomorrow I Will Do It (mp3) by Yourself
  20. Black Magick Starter Jacket (mp3) by Al Lover
  21. Lo-Vélo (mp3) by Evenings

Oh, and be sure to check out the rest of our of best of posts.

If you like what you hear you should probably purchase music from the above artists at any of these fine online retailers (or your local independent record store):

Insound | Amazon MP3 | eMusic | Other Music

Additionally, if you want to download all (or most of) the tracks in this post, you should probably think about installing the DownThemAll! or FlashGot Firefox extensions.

Best Downloadables of 2011

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