mp3 :: Life Size Maps > Excavate
Life Size Maps is getting ready to release their latest EP of noisepop. Gone is Jordyn Blakely (ex-Night Manager) and gone is the electric cello as Matt Gaffney moves to the drums and Emily Panic has joined in on bass. Frontman Mike McKeever continue to provide lead vocals and guitar. Their new EP is called Excavate and this here is the title track.
Downloadable: Excavate (file removed at artist request)
The Excavate EP will be available (very soon) as a free download @
Upcoming NYC Show:
- September 6th (Life Size Maps and Grand Resort EP release party!) @ 285 KENT AVE w/ Xray Eyeballs + Dinowalrus + Grand Resort + Psychobuildings (rsvp)
- September 22nd @ Muchmore’s
Life Size Maps is on Bandcamp
Life Size Maps is on Facebook
Life Size Maps is on Twitter
Life Size Maps is on Soundcloud
Life Size Maps is on Hype Machine
It’s Leaking (mp3)