mp3 :: Shark? > California Grrls

There is a new cassingle in the Shark?-iverse. It costs $4.00. It’s limited to 100 translucent red tapes. It is available from Old Flame Records. And it features this un-Beach Boys song.


Downloadable: California Grrls (mp3)

You can purchase the California Grrls cassette @

The California Grrls cassette insert art looks something like this.

California Grrls by Shark?

You can watch some dimly-lit footage of “California Grrls” from a recent Shark? show at Cameo Gallery.

Streamable: California Grrls (Live @ Cameo Gallery) (vimeo)

Upcoming NYC Show:

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BONUS: Slap Dash (mp3)

Shark? @ Cakeshop

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