mp3s :: NOT POSTED Mix, Vol. 63
It’s time to check out a bunch of the tracks I have not posted recently. These are just a few of the songs that would get their own individual posts here on GIMME TINNITUS if I only had the time. Here is the next NOT POSTED mix.
- Toe Cutter – Thumb Buster (mp3) by Thee Oh Sees
- Dirty Shirt (mp3) by METZ
[d/l the eMusic SXSW 2013 Free Sampler @]
- Man Dude (mp3) by Pope Anything
- White Eyes (mp3) by Haunted Horses
- Suicide 1997 (mp3) by Tape Deck Mountain
- Devil Eyes (mp3) by HÄXXAN
- Cocaine Werewolf (mp3) by Gay Republicans
[pay-what-you-want for the Raw Doggerel EP @]
- Malio (mp3) by banned books
[pay-what-you-want for the Flawless Demo @]
- Racecar (mp3) by Twin Tigers
- sharp attack (stupid facts) (mp3) by princess reason
[pay-what-you-want for the always pretty EP @]
- Seventeen Once (mp3) by Slothbear
- I Can Do A Lot (mp3) by Club Girls
- Make Me Human Again (mp3) by Sensual Harassment
- Loves You (mp3) by Detective Novel
[pay-what-you-want for the Tall Ships digital single @]
- Whisper (mp3) by Black Polygons
- Pink Diamond (mp3) by Dustin Wong
- Creep Date (mp3) by Yohuna
[pay-what-you-want for the Clubhouse Split @]
- hey arnold theme (mp3) by beat radio
[d/l hurricanes EP @]
- Airborne Kawasaki (mp3) by Heavy Hawaii
- We Are Pilgrims No More (The End of Our Travelling Days) (mp3) by Takka Takka
- Hypnotic Regression (mp3) by Girls Names
- Ages Places (mp3) by Wildlife Control
- Mountain Town (mp3) by Radical Dads
- Heavy Shit (mp3) by Colleen Green
You can stream (and scrobble) all the songs in this mix using the player at the bottom of the page OR you can just download any or all of the tracks at your leisure and play them using a digital media player of your choice.
If you want to download all the individual tracks in this post, you should probably think about installing the DownThemAll! or FlashGot Firefox extensions as I am way too lazy to zip and upload every single NOT POSTED mix.
Also, if you like what you hear you should probably purchase music from the above artists at any of these fine online retailers (or your local independent record store):
Insound | eMusic | Other Music
And be sure to check out the other NOT POSTED mixes.