mp3s :: One Year Ago Mix > July 2012

Time for a little bit of aural time travel. I can’t believe I didn’t post this during July, but it’s close enough, right? Let’s look back, reflect, and contemplate… what were we listening to one year ago?

Listen to the July 2012 One Year Ago Mix and find out.

You can stream (and scrobble) all the songs in this mix using the player at the bottom of the page OR you can just download any or all of the tracks at your leisure and play them using a digital media player of your choice.


  1. Kisses (mp3) by Zulus
  2. How Long Have You Known? (mp3) by DIIV
  3. Bad Date (mp3) by Talk Normal
  4. Technocrat Motorist Coping (mp3) by Zula
  5. Pencilneck (mp3) by Skeletons
  6. Circle (mp3) by Endless Endless Endless
  7. Headache (mp3) by METZ
  8. Slap Dash (mp3) by Shark?
  9. Hate Your Teachers (mp3) by Unnatural Helpers
  10. Violence Now (mp3) by Milk Music


  12. driver’s river (mp3) by videoing
  13. Friends Like These (mp3) by Thick Shakes

    [pay-what-you-want for French Dyppe @]

  14. Someone Like You (mp3) by MANNEQUIN PUSSY
  15. Frozen Stiff (mp3) by K-Holes
  16. Float In Clouds (mp3) by Suburban Living
  17. waves of bad intention (mp3) by elvis depressedly

    [pay-what-you-want for mickey’s dead @

  18. Lupine Dominus (mp3) by Thee Oh Sees
  19. What You Wanted (mp3) by Seapony
  20. Lies (mp3) by Last Remaining Pinnacle
  21. I Shutter (mp3) by Eleanor

If you want to download all the individual tracks in this post, you should probably think about installing the DownThemAll! or FlashGot Firefox extensions as we are way too lazy to zip and upload every single Monthly Mix.

Also, if you like what you hear you should probably purchase music from the above artists at any of these fine online retailers (or your local independent record store):

Insound | eMusic | Other Music

And, if you haven’t done it already, make sure you check out the other One Year Ago Mixes.

One Year Ago Mix

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