audio stream :: 999999999 > Hide My Love

You may know Anthony MacBain from GT Favs THE PSYCHED or his earlier band Tunnel of Love. MacBain’s other musical project is called 999999999 (pronounced All Nines) and he has been recording under that moniker since 2004. Well, HoZac just went and released an eponymous EP of MacBain’s lofi rock gems.

The EP leaves me with one question: “When is the LP coming out?!”


Streamable: Hide My Love (soundcloud)

The 999999999 EP is available now at (alone or in the Early 2014 5 Pack).

Upcoming NYC Show:

999999999 is on Bandcamp
999999999 is on Facebook
999999999 is on Hype Machine
999999999 is on HoZac Records
999999999 is on eMusic


Doin’ Time (mp3)

999999999 All Nines at Bell House

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