audio stream :: Le Rug > Goblin

You thought they were gone, but Le Rug is back!

And we are psyched to share their new track, Goblin.
But first some F A C T S:

  • The song was written in studio by Le Rug principal, Ray Weiss.
  • Ray played all the instruments on the song.
  • The song is loosely about disinterested sex during WW3.
  • Goblin is slang for an unidentified submerged object.
  • Parker Silzer from Slonk Donkerson engineered the track.
  • (Maybe you remember Parker’s production work on that Yucky Duster EP.)
  • Parker and Ray are working on a batch of new songs that will be an EP in the not too distant future.
  • Mark Fletcher from the Le Rug live band (and Stringer, duh) deserves credit for convincing Ray to record the song.


ANNND, come to Sunnyvale tomorrow night (5/14) for the return of Le Rug who are playing a Mother’s Day show with… ☞ Yucky Duster and ☞ Stringer and ☞ ex-mothers!
Le Rug is on Bandcamp
Le Rug is on Facebook
Le Rug is on Fleeting Youth Records
bring yr mom show flier

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