q and also a :: Hands
Geoffrey & Ryan of Hands sent us these answers to our questions in this next installment of q and also a.
q: What is the last song you (really) heard?
g: Colouring of Pigeons (mp3) from The Knife‘s opera Tomorrow In a Year
r: I Think I Can (mp3) by Animal Collective
q: What is your favorite food?
g: Changes all the time but right now; bacon and eggs.
r: Potatoes, any kind
q: What is your favorite band to see live?
g: Radiohead
Watch: Reckoner (Live Haiti Benefit 2010) (youtube)
r: Battles
Listen: Atlas (mp3)
q: What is your favorite venue in NYC (if applicable)?
r: Union Hall
q: OK, President Obama appoints you as the first Secretary of Culture, to whom do you give your first grant?
Listen: Casper The Friendly Ghost (mp3)
r: Eddy Lepp
q: Anything we should know about your latest project (whatever that might be)?
g: We record, engineer and mix everything… mostly cause we’re broke.
r: We make it with our hands.
Listen: Returning (mp3)
Listen: Hold (mp3)
Listen: Hold (J. Yates Remix) (mp3)
You can download the Hold Remix EP for $0.00 @ Free Music Archive.
Watch: Windows (vimeo)
Hands is on Myspace
Hands is on Facebook
Hands is on Free Music Archive
Hands is on elbo.ws
Hands is on Hype Machine
Hands is on Brother & Brother
Hands is on Headphonica
Hands is on iTunes
Hands is on eMusic
1 Comment
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by gimmetinnitus, gimmetinnitus. gimmetinnitus said: #qandalsoa :: posted the Hands interview w/ mp3s from @danieljohnston @Battles @theknifesweden + AnCo :: http://bit.ly/bMXdxp […]
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