stream these :: Philadelphia Collins + Bottoms + HEALTH + Fleabite + Future Museums
So, here is last week’s round up of all the necessary audio/video streams that I didn’t get to post because I was a little too busy with Northside Fest. I’m pretty sure that I am leaving something out, so leave a comment and let me know what’s missing. Or not. Listen. Philadelphia Collins […] more…
I made a little Opentape. It looks like this. I put it… here. more…
CMJ09 :: No Liveblogging This Year At CMJ
So I plan to tweet a bit during CMJ09, but no liveblogging like last year. I’ll tweet about whatever show I am at and then I’ll post about it later. Perhaps I will put up an mp3 or two on the GT server, and hey maybe I will post some shitty live photos (maybe). more…
blog related :: Become A Fan of GT on FB
So, I done went and made a Facebook Pages page to insure that we here at GIMME TINNITUS remain at the forefront of the social networking revolution. If you are so inclined, become a fan of GT. more…
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