Time for a little bit of aural time travel. I was so excited about EISGTNSIDE13, I forgot to post the June 2012 Mix. Let’s look back, reflect, and contemplate… what were we listening to one year ago? Listen to the June 2012 One Year Ago Mix and find out. You can stream (and scrobble) all […]more…
audio stream :: Shepherdess > On High
Boston-based indie rockers Shepherdess is composed of: Hilken Mancini of Fuzzy, The Count Me Outs, Punk Rock Aerobics, and Girls Rock Camp Boston (guitar and vocals) Alison Murray of The Clear Deigns, Ladycop, and Gamine Thief (drums) Emily Arkin of The Operators and The Quincunx (baritone guitar and the occasional violin) I’m Saving Myself for […]more…
music video :: Mail the Horse > Do You Still Come Home? (TinyRadars Cow House Series)
TinyRadars is a small non-profit record label based in Western Massachusetts. They have just premiered the Cow House Video Series. Mail the Horse dropped by said cow house to play a couple tracks off of their excellent new (TinyRadars-released) LP, Great Kills. Watch + Listen. Streamable: Do You Still Come Home? (TinyRadars Cow House Series) […]more…
audio stream :: Mail the Horse > Do You Still Come Home
NYC rock ‘n’ rollers Mail the Horse are getting ready to release their new LP entitled Great Kills via the TinyRadars label. Great Kills was tagged “country blooze grunge gospel rock rock n’ roll rocks off soul” on Bandcamp. It has been described as a “collection of love songs to the failure of love,” which […]more…