It is time for the third volume of the Best Downloadables of 2011. You can download any or all of the tracks at your leisure or you can stream all the songs in this mix using the Yahoo media player at the bottom left of the page. If you are using Chrome you should really […]more…
q and also a :: ANTIMAGIC
Marcia and Ted of ANTIMAGIC sent us these answers to our questions in this next installment of the q and also a series. q: What is the last song you (really) heard? m: You Got Lucky (youtube) by Tom Petty. t: “Same Old Scene” by Roxy Music, from their much-maligned Flesh & Blood album from […]more…
Friday Night Vids :: Parts & Labor + Tom Vek + Superchunk + Girlfriends + Young Widows + Time New Viking + Beastie Boys
For your streaming pleasure, here is the latest Friday Night Vids… Streamable: Echo Chamber (youtube) by Parts & Labor Streamable: A Chore (youtube) by Tom Vek Streamable: Crossed Wires (youtube) by Superchunk Streamable: Eat Around The Bad Parts (vimeo) by Girlfriends Downloadable: Eat Around The Bad Parts […]more…
mp3s :: Record Store Day > April 16, 2011
So, another Record Store Day come and gone. I made a few of purchases at Sound Fix and Permanent Records (and saw EULA play). I have to admit I was really not that motivated to gobble up RSD exclusives. I just bought a few albums that I knew I would want to listen to on […]more…