So, it’s time for another look into what gets posted at our supplemental blog, GIMME Tumblr. If you want to follow GIMME Tumblr, here is the rss feed, or you could just join Tumblr. This time things start rock and end electronic. Listen. Downloadables: Never Mine (mp3) by Brilliant Colors Oceans (mp3) by Indian Jewelry […]more…
Friday Night Vids: Micachu & The Shapes + Live Yppah + Crystal Antlers + Jay Reatard + Wavves + More
Streamable: Lips (vimeo) by Micachu & The Shapes Downloadable: Lips (beggars mp3) Streamable: A Parking Lot Carnival Live @ SXSW 2009 (vimeo) by Yppah Streamable: Andrew (vimeo) by Crystal Antlers Downloadable: Andrew (the last t&g mp3) Streamable: DOA (youtube) by Jay Reatard Streamable: So Bored (youtube) by Wavves Downloadable: So Bored (mp3) Streamable: I’ll Be […]more…