End of Year Report :: The Best of 2018 > Decisions to Hundreds of AU
There are 100+ releases from 2018 that are just freaking awesome. I have ordered my best of list in alphabetical order (by first name for individual artists because that’s how iTunes does it, ok), and broke that list down into five separate posts for the music I loved plus one post for some […] more…
stream these :: Lia Mice + Cindy Lee + YMDSIH + Upper Wilds + The Funs + ILSA + Greta + Liz Hogg + Charles Bradley + Kyle Bobby Dunn + SPELLING + wume + Rick Rude + Mister Goblin + BELL WITCH + Oh Sees
So, here is a round up of some of the necessary audio/video streams from the somewhat recent past. I’m pretty sure that I am leaving something out, so leave a comment and let me know what’s missing (or not). Listen. THE BANDCAMPS The Sampler As A Time Machine […] more…
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