So this post contains (pretty much) all of my favorite mp3s from 2009. I have not put them in any sort of preferential order. These are sorted by artist in alphabetical order. Take your time, scroll slowly, there are some real gems here. You may notice some big names missing here. Well, you know you […]more…
mp3s :: Best Songs Of The Aughts > 2005-2009
While part one of my Best Of The Aughts list consisted of tracks I would have liked to have blogged about, part two here is sort of a Best Of GIMME TINNITUS. This list was supposed to be about 30 songs long, but it just kept growing. Download individual tracks or grab all of them […]more…
mp3s :: Best Songs Of The Aughts > 2000-2004
Welcome to part one of GIMME TINNITUS’ Best Songs Of The Aughts where we look back on the best songs of 2000-2004. Back when all the “best of the decade” whoopla started earlier this year (with Pitchfork’s Best Of), I began thinking about the songs I would have blogged about had I actually been blogging […]more…
mp3s :: The October 2008 Mix
Let’s look back shall we to October 2008. It brings back memories of Radiohead remix contests, CMJ, and well, other stuff too. Downloadables: Teen Creeps (mp3) by No Age Bastard In Love (mp3) by Mika Miko Black Albino Bones (mp3) by Fucked Up Call & Respond (mp3) by Times New Viking White Elephant (mp3) by […]more…