tuesday night vids :: Forest Swords + Jay Reatard (RIP) + The Flaming Lips
Didn’t get to post these last week…
This is one of the OFF MY RADAR tracks from 2009. Love the crazy crazy gang warfare footage they found for this…
Streamable: Miarches (vimeo) by Forest Swords
Not shocked, but definitely bummed about Jay’s death. And what is up with the murder investigation? I had this song stuck in my head for most of the last week…
Streamable: It Ain’t Gonna Save Me (youtube) by Jimmy Lee Lindsey a/k/a Jay Reatard (1980-2010)
A Flaming Lips NYE performance is something that every music fan should experience, but I wasn’t about to travel to OK. Luckily I have this…
Streamable: The 2009-2010 NYE Time Lapse (youtube) by The Flaming Lips (youtube)
This has been another…
tuesdays just got better!
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