mp3s :: NOT POSTED Mix, Vol. 61
It’s time to check out a bunch of the tracks I have not posted recently. These are just a few of the songs that would get their own individual posts here on GIMME TINNITUS if I only had the time. Here is the next NOT POSTED mix.
- Scrape It Off (mp3) by Yvette
[d/l the EMPIRE OF FUZZ compilation @]
- I’ve Got a Wild Feeling (mp3) by Milk Music
- Poison Arrow (mp3) by Screaming Females
- Cuda ’82 (mp3) by Ex Con
[Buy the 7″ @]
- The Observer (mp3) by Hive Bent
- Chaoz (mp3) by ADVAETA
- Screens (mp3) by Low Culture
- Good Good Things (Descendents Cover) (mp3) by Edsel
- DEAD N BONES (mp3) by Theo Verney
- Katacombs (mp3) by Steve Adamyk Band
- Hi 5 (mp3) by BIG UPS
[d/l BIG DEMOS @]
- Shoulda Known (mp3) by Red Hex
[buy the 7″ @]
- Hey Winnie (mp3) by Cocktails
- Scam (mp3) by Blanche Blanche Blanche (& The Birds of Paradise)
- Falling Up The Stairs (mp3) by Vacation
[pay-what-you-want for Drone Girl / Falling Up The Stairs @]
- Bodies (mp3) by Mazes
- Tomorrow’s Here Today (mp3) by Celebration
[pay-what-you-want for Tomorrow’s Here Today / Blood is the Brine @]
- Fuzz’s Fourth Dream (Al Lover Remix) (mp3) by Fuzz
- The Drag (Live @ Death by Audio) (mp3) by Ty Segall
[d/l 2012-09-24 Death By Audio Brooklyn @]
- Fucking Hopeless (mp3) by LOW FAT GETTING HIGH
[pay-what-you-want for Hot Yogurt @]
- HEEBEE GEEBEES (mp3) by Black Pus
[pay-what-you-want for PUS MORTEM @]
- Teen Paranormal Romance (mp3) by Matmos
- Solace (mp3) by Aether
[pay-what-you-want for the Finding Time compilation @]
You can stream (and scrobble) all the songs in this mix using the player at the bottom of the page OR you can just download any or all of the tracks at your leisure and play them using a digital media player of your choice.
If you want to download all the individual tracks in this post, you should probably think about installing the DownThemAll! or FlashGot Firefox extensions as I am way too lazy to zip and upload every single NOT POSTED mix.
Also, if you like what you hear you should probably purchase music from the above artists at any of these fine online retailers (or your local independent record store):
Insound | eMusic | Other Music
And be sure to check out the other NOT POSTED mixes.