stream these :: Human People + METZ + Krallice with Dave Edwardson + Guerilla Toss + HARAM + Dream Police + Safe Hex + Protomartyr + Bleep Space by Andy Wallace and Dan Friel
So, here is another round up of all the necessary audio/video streams from the somewhat recent past. I’m pretty sure that I am leaving something out, so leave a comment and let me know what’s missing (or not). Listen. Radiator Water by Human People Drained Lake by […]more…
album stream :: The GIMME TINNITUS Mirror Universe 2017 Mixtape (benefiting the NYCLU)
I am super excited to announce The GIMME TINNITUS Mirror Universe 2017 Mixtape benefiting the NYCLU. The tape was compiled by yours truly and is being released in physical form by the good folks over at Mirror Universe Tapes. The tape and the digital are both set to be released on July 22, […]more…
best of 2016 :: 88 Favorite Songs
AND now songs. The compilation of these tracks was aided by heavy use of, Bandcamp, Spotify and Soundcloud. As shitty as this year was, I was truly amazed at all the great music that percolates up from the underground. There’s a lot of overlap with this year’s Best Of Albums list, but hey this […]more…
audio stream :: The Meltaways > S/T 7″
As regular readers of GIMME TINNITUS will know… Allie, Beck and Maddy aka The Meltaways are one of my favorite punk bands out there right now. They did a q and also a back in June when they released their self titled cassette via Mirror Universe. Back in October, they released their self […]more…