TONIGHT! @ AVIV > Day One of the Post-Trash + Ipsum + GIMME TINNITUS Unofficial CMJ Showcase
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show :: 10/15/15 @ AVIV > Day One of The Exploding In Sound + Ipsum + GIMME TINNITUS Unofficial CMJ Showcase
Exploding In Sound + IpsumNYC + GIMME TINNITUS present a Killer Unofficial CMJ Showcase (Day One) featuring… YVETTE Turn To Crime Actions by TURN TO CRIME Painted Zeros S V A L B A R D by Painted Zeros Meat Wave Delusion Moon by Meat Wave Mumblr Super! Premium! Deluxe! by Mumblr What Moon Things […] more…
stream these :: Joanna Gruesome + DJTJ + COPY + Kleenex + CROSSS + The Mothmen + Andy Human And The Reptoids + Prefuse 73
So, here is this week’s round up of all the necessary audio/video streams. I’m pretty sure that I am leaving something out, so leave a comment and let me know what’s missing. Or not. Listen. Purveyors of dissonant wimp music Joanna Gruesome have a new LP Peanut Butter, which will be released May 11th […] more…
stream these :: Courtship Ritual + Death Vacation + RATKING + DJ Lucas + Britt Teusink + Villages + Crown Larks + AJ Pantaleo
So, here is this week’s round up of all the necessary audio/video streams. I’m pretty sure that I am leaving something out, so leave a comment and let me know what’s missing. Or not. This week’s post is pretty crowded so take yr time and… Listen. First up, I am loving this new Courtship […] more…
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