Friday Night Videos :: Double Dagger + Woven Bones + Best Coast + Here We Go Magic + Take + Thee Oh Sees
There is a Double Dagger video with a dude head banging in what looks like a handmade Cyclops hood, and you think I won’t post it? C’mon. Purchase their latest stuff @ Thrill Jockey or buy some merch direct from the band.
Streamable: No Allies (vimeo) by Double Dagger
Woven Bones‘ latest LP, IN AND OUT AND BACK AGAIN is available now @ HoZac Records. Stream the whole album @ the band’s Soundcloud.
Streamable: Your Way With My Life (vimeo) by Woven Bones
This is from Best Coast‘s (k/o/t/a @bestcoastyy) digital 7″ via Black Iris. Purchase it @ Amazon MP3.
Streamable: When I’m With You (vimeo) by Best Coast
Here We Go Magic‘s latest LP, Pigeons comes out on June 8th via Secretly Canadian. This song has been floating around the internets for a while and now there is a video for it. Watch.
Streamable: Collector (vimeo) by Here We Go Magic
Take‘s Only Mountain is already on my short list for best albums of the year. Watch the video below and then buy the album.
Streamable: Incredibright (vimeo) by Take
Sometimes life feels like you are stuck in an animated gif. No? Anyway, seeing this video also reminds me that I need to pick up the latest effort from Thee Oh Sees. It is called Warm Slime. You can get Warm Slime @ Amazon or directly from In The Red. Please note, this song is off last year’s excellent Help LP which can also be purchased @ Amazon or the aforementioned In The Red.
Streamable: Meat Step Lively (vimeo) by Thee Oh Sees
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by gimmetinnitus, gimmetinnitus. gimmetinnitus said: #musicvideo #mp3 :: posted the Friday Night Vids w/ @Double_Dagger @THEREALTAKE @herewegomagic @bestycoastyy + more :: […]
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