friday night vids :: No Age + Screaming Females + PJ Harvey + BOAT + Celebration + Javelin

For your streaming pleasure, here is the latest Friday Night Vids
Streamable: Fever Dreaming (youtube) by No Age

Downloadable: Fever Dreaming (mp3)

Streamable: Wild (youtube) by Screaming Females

Downloadable: Wild (mp3)

Streamable: The Words That Maketh Murder (youtube) by PJ Harvey

Streamable: (I’ll beat my chest like) King Kong (vimeo) by BOAT

Streamable: Honeysuckle Blue (vimeo) by Celebration

Streamable: C-Town/Mossy Woodland (dublab VisionVersion) (vimeo) by Javelin

(source: dublab)
Friday Night Vids

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