music video :: Radical Dads > Rapid Reality

The film’s stuck on fast-forward, the gas pedal’s floored, and there are buffalo up ahead.

Radical Dads

NYC indie rockers Radical Dads are getting ready to release their follow up to their debut, Mega Rama. The 2nd Rad Dad‘s LP is called Rapid Reality, and it comes out on May 21st via Uninhabitable Mansions.

And, you know, it kind of makes sense that a band a self-identifying radical band, will make a rad video. Here is the title track off of Rapid Reality.

Streamable: Rapid Reality (vimeo)

from Katie Armstrong on Vimeo.

And here is side one, track one off of Rapid Reality.

Downloadable: Mountain Town (mp3)

You can preorder Rapid Reality @ The first 50 LPs are on pink vinyl, which according to the Dads “is a little crazy, a lot sexy, and marginally cool.”

Upcoming NYC Shows:

Radical Dads have a q and also a.

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Radical Dads are on Uninhabitable Mansions
Radical Dads are on Insound
Radical Dads are on eMusic

BONUS: Recklessness (mp3)

Rapid Reality by Radical Dads
April 19 @ Pianos

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