mp3s :: GTRT Megapost > 9/13/15 to 12/06/15
Welcome to the GIMME TINNITUS Radio Time internet radio show, a biweekly program on Newtown Radio where I play some songs for you and stream them live over the internet. I don’t talk that much. Sometimes there are technical problems. Sometimes there are guests. Sometimes both.
Here are a whole bunch of recent GTRTs. I must apologize for not posting these sooner. I am much better at cranking these GTRTs out than I am at editing HTML.
Oh and check out the top five GTRT songs of 2015 over at!
Downloadable: GTRT 09/13/15 :: GIMME TINNITUS Radio Time (mp3)
The Playlist:
- My Own Boss by Fitness
- BKNY pt.2 (Zula Remix) by MY BODY
- Ziggy Starfish (Anti-Anxiety Raps) [prod. Gold Panda] by Open Mike Eagle
- RIP Yourself by Isn’t Ours
- Raw Light Overture by BOTANY
- theory of color by cars & trains
- De Dida Voz (Monster Rally Remix) (mp3) by Monster Rally
- Split Stones by Lymbyc Systym
- Mean Kids by Nightspace
- The Way You Feel by Yourself
- Badd by Sporting Life
- Beef Or Real by Theosophus
- 0 by Yonatan Gat
- The Pink Noise by Shunkan
- I Am Not Right by Gluebag
- Life In Hell by Woolen Men
- Ducking and Dodging by Parquet Courts
- Honestly Do Yr Worst by Joanna Gruesome
- I’d Hate To Be An Actor by Greys
- False Pass by Sannhet
- Meet The Plastics (Demo) by Unwound
- Waves Will Kill You by Psychic Blood
- False Positive by Black Eyes
- Bad Advice by Protomartyr
- APLOMB by Eula
- Sangwich by Gnarwhal
- Waste of a Day by Cold Sweats
- Tuley – Tude – High by Patsy
- Expressionless by Multicult
- Surplus City (mp3) by Nitpickers
- Huffer by vomitface
- Release The Bees by Bad Meds
- Just Like A Magic Bullet by The Flag
Downloadable: GTRT 09/27/15 :: GIMME TINNITUS Radio Time (mp3)
The Playlist:
- Calm and Content by YVETTE
- Disinfect by Destruction Unit
- You’re a Crayon by Big Neck Police
- Crank by Palm
- You’re Too Old (mp3) by Total Fury
- Suck My Left One by Bikini Kill
- feed me by So Pitted
- T.O.D.D. by Wolf Eyes
- Pollys Crystal by Guerilla Toss
- My Lens by PC Worship
- Nausea by Diät
- The Whip and The Rein by Chomp
- Jock Dreams by Stove
- Borrowed Tune by Blessed State
- Car by Ex-Breathers
- HELLO DEAR (mp3) by Melge
- Transparent by Metro Cult
- Torture Report (mp3) by L.O.T.I.O.N.
- Drown (mp3) by Broken Water
- Understand by Cloak
- Laura by Wildhoney
- Tiles (mp3) by Swings
- Frozen Egg (mp3) by Lame Drivers
- Pretty Pimpin (Kurt Vile cover) by Galkin
- Five Signs of Decay of a Celestial Being by Trabajo
- Heart And Soul (T’Pau cover) by TOBACCO
- Lively Hood by DOOMSTARKS
- Triple-Double No Assists by Sporting Life
- Solarflare [Prod. Friendzone] by Yung Lean
- Scientific by Scientist
- Life (Pt. 1) by Dan Friel
Downloadable: GTRT 10/11/15 :: GIMME TINNITUS Radio Time (mp3)
The Playlist:
- Erased by Meat Wave
- Prince of Slackers by Turn To Crime
- Rile by Chomp
- Sacred Cow by Crosss
- Guilty by Dirty Dishes
- Come With Me by ADVAETA
- I Ain’t Been Workin by Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk
- orangina filth by fern mayo
- Stand Still And Rot by Pinact
- Options R by Wire
- Bon Nuit (mp3) by Parlor Walls
- To Hell With Good Intentions by mclusky
- Scum Sucking Protestant by Clean Girls
- Backslider (mp3) by Death Vacation
- Crimes 1 by Soupcans
- Celebration by Ought
- Certain Harbours (The Bongos cover) (mp3) by Sleepies
- Revolver III by Zulus
- Straight Lines by Shopping
- I Forgive You by Protomartyr
- Forces At Work by Feelies
GUEST PLAYLIST… Stephen of Kindling and Ampere shares songs from California X, Lost Film, Wipers, Longings, Permaculture, Infinity Girl, Blitz, Chumbawamba, Digital Prisoners of War, Elizabeth Color Wheel, Camera Obscura, and more.
Downloadable: GTRT 10/25/15 :: GIMME TINNITUS Radio Time (mp3)
The Playlist:
- Pizza Forest (on Lawton) demo by FREECARE
- Wiser by Blessed State
- Soft Spot by Dead Tenants
- SLAV! (mp3) by Slav
- Possession (mp3) by The Meltaways
- made for trees (screwedxx) by Bonnie Baxter
- PUSHED by Cloak
- Eraser by METZ
- Crystal Mace by Waylon Thorton
- Signal Master by Spray Paint
- Ankles by Palm
- Bloodsport by Parlor Walls
- I Always Get What I Want by Moss Lime
- Splatter by Nailbiter
- I Hear The Rain by Violent Femmes
- Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue (Demo) by The Ramones
- Dreaming by Blondie
- Blessed State by Wire
- Cover Me by Bruce Springsteen
- Creep by Stone Temple Pilots
GUEST PLAYLIST… from Dead Tenants with songs by ________ Container, Vessel, Pharaoh Sanders, Captain Beefheart, Brainiac, PLUS special guests Oh Golly and Hellbirds!
Dear City Brewing LLC, Dead Tenants would like Crazy Stallion malt beverage to sponsor them. Let’s make this happen! Thx. GT
Downloadable: GTRT 11/08/15 :: GIMME TINNITUS Radio Time (mp3)
The Playlist:
- Black Chalk by Earring
- Ministry of the Torture Couch (prod. by Elos feat. Hemlock Ernst) by Busdriver
- Signal Master by Spray Paint
- Painkiller by Kindling
- Palm Tree by Painted Zeros
- Blur World by Psychic Blood
- Psychosymplistic, Psychosymplastic Here! by the Sediment Club
- Sleeper Agent Man (mp3) by Lair
- Nausea by Diät
- Golden Age of Tv by Nightbirds
- You Are What Eats You by Palm
- Stillove (mp3) by Museum of Recycling
- (Humans) Being Human (Beings) by No One and the Somebodies
- Midwest Handstate (mp3) by Nonsense
- Blue by POLYON
- In A Different Place by Bedroom Eyes
[Technical issues :( ]
LIVE ALL CASSETTE GUEST PLAYLIST… From Trevor of Fire Talk with songs by BBDDM, Paw Paw, Run DMT, Pure X, Katrina Stoneheart, Dreamcrusher, and more. Plus, Special Guest Earring!
[GT Playlist resumes]
Downloadable: GTRT 11/22/15 :: GIMME TINNITUS Radio Time (mp3)
The Playlist:
Here are some tracks that were chosen at random…
- Rednecks Everywhere by Spray Paint
- Raw Milk by Parquet Courts
- Deep Thoughts 006 by Giant Claw
- Freak Out by Liars
- Hate Crime Girl by Shark?
- Redlight by Solvey
- Broken by lié
- I Hate The Kids by Hot Snakes
- Close Your Eyes, Slowly by Landing
- Looking Glass (Reprise) by Media Jeweler
- Falling Hair by Ty Segall
- Sinking Feeling by Shopping
- Like Or Lump It by Kleenex/LiLiPUT
- Accused (mp3) by FRAU
- Dinner With The President by The Evens
- Miserific Condition by Unwound
- Foster Sister by Grooms
- Let It Bleed by The Rolling Stones
- Focus by The Forms
- Hunters by High Desert
- Pink Pussycat by Devo
- Shoplifting by The Slits
- To Hell With Good Intentions by mclusky
- The Whip and The Rein by Chomp
- EarthEE by THEESatisfaction
- Jumper by Trust Fund
- Come & See by Protomartyr
- I’m Not Dead (I’m in Pittsburgh) by Frank Black
- The Sun Says (Oi! LP Version) by Cock Sparrer
- Her by Haybaby
- Terms Of Psychic Warfare by Hüsker Dü
- Psykick Espionage by Joanna Gruesome
- Return of the Rat by Wipers
- Options R by Wire
- Transmitters by Sauna Youth
Downloadable: GTRT 12/06/15 :: GIMME TINNITUS Radio Time (mp3)
The Playlist:
This one started with two EPs then Stuart (The Regrets) and Chris (Clean Girls) stopped by and Mark (Stringer) showed up toward the end.
Dead Ass EP by Stringer
- Fear of Death
- Black Bile
- Dirty Room
- Luxury
- Just Like You
- Wanting Less
- Enough
- Hard To Wake Up
- Wish
- Worth
- Capitalized by Big Ups
- Elegy of Colonial Suffering by Parquet Courts
- Take Me Home and Make Me Like It by ALex Chilton
- (I Belong To The) Blank Generation by Richard Hell (cut off)
- Advance Upon The Real (Live) by Perfect Pussy
- The String by G Toss
- Void by Dead Tenants
- Sippin on my wine by The Gun Hoes
- Shut The Fuck Up by The Coathangers
- Dump by Wimps
- Catepillar by Unwound
- Set Fire by Zulus
- Christian Right by Institute
- And When You Fall by Algiers
- Passport Invalid by Media Jeweler
- Woad by Clean Girls
- 100% Inheritance Tax by Downtown Boys
- Thumb War by Palberta
- Chowtime by Bbigpigg
- King Kunta by Kendrick Lamar
- Cocaina by Migos
- Thought It Was A Draught by Future
- Tear in my Beer by Hank Williams
Ex-Boyfriend EP by The Regrets
[Stuart’s mic levels are super low here :((( ]
[Songs for Oldchris]
GUEST PLAYLIST… Mark of Stringer gives some shout outs and Ben Smith owes Stuart Solomon $5.
Shout out to Le Rug
Shout out to Slonk Donkerson
Shout out to Jail Solidarity
Shout out to The Gradients
THE END (pheeewww)
Listen to the best of 2015 GTRT this Sunday @ 4pm!!
There is a GIMME TINNITUS tag @
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If you want to download all the individual tracks in this post, you should probably think about installing the DownThemAll! or FlashGot Firefox extensions.
Also, if you like what you hear you should probably purchase music from the above artists at your local independent record store or better yet buy directly from the band at the merch table at a show.
And, if you haven’t done it already, make sure you check out the other GTRT episodes.