shows :: EISGTNSIDE13 > The GIFs of Richard Gin

And we start our recapping of EISGTNSIDE13 with a couple amazing GIFs from photographer Richard Gin.

Here is Day One @ Silent Barn:

EISGTNSIDE13 Day One by Richard Gin

Here is Day Two @ Big Snow Buffalo Lodge:

EISGTNSIDE13 Day Two by Richard Gin

While you look at these GIFs why not listen to a song by Sleepies?


Combat (mp3)

Richard Gin is on the internet
Richard Gin is on Tumblr
Richard Gin is on Flickr
Richard Gin is part of The Epoch

BONUS: EISGTNSIDE13 Mixtape (mediafire)

EISGTNSIDE13 2-day flyer by michael patrick sincavage

(flyer by michael patrick sincavage)

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